RDMS™ Compact Receivers

Quasonix RDMS™ compact receiver

Airborne Accuracy

Quasonix’s multi-mode compact RDMS™ telemetry receiver features an extremely sensitive RF downconverter integrated with the company’s market-leading ARTM demodulator and bit synchronization in a compact 12 cubic inch flight-ready package. When compared to the competition, RDMS™ offers a remarkable 6 to 8 dB sensitivity advantage. What you choose to do with the extra link margin is up to you.

Key Features

  • Complete Receiver – RF to Bits
    A single-box solution that accepts RF signals, and delivers baseband clock and data. No external add-ons required.
  • Flight-ready package
    Compact 12 in.³ (4.00″ x 3.00″ x 1.00″) enclosure.
  • True Trellis Demodulation in all ARTM Modes
    Provides true trellis detection in all three ARTM modes for optimal demodulation.
  • Lower L, upper L, full S, C, or multiple bands available
  • Lowest noise figure
    3.5 dB noise figure bests all other ARTM receivers on the market, hands down.


Product Literature

TypeTitleVersionFile SizeUpdatedLengthDescription

Quasonix Catalog2024.10.25Catalog of Quasonix’s full product line including transmitters, antennas, receivers, networking equipment, and test equipment. Also includes examples of possible product configurations.

RDMS™ Compact Receiver Datasheet (Gen 3)2024.10.08Features, specifications, options, and possible band configurations for Quasonix’s third-generation compact (airborne) RDMS™ telemetry receiver.

Quasonix Product Lines