Transmitter Bench Heat Sink

The heat sink assembly includes an integral +12 VDC fan and a power supply transformer. Use for TIMTER™, Dual TIMTER™, and nanoTX™ transmitter testing at the bench; not airborne approved.

Part Number: QSX-AC-32-HS-12V
(formerly QSX-TIMTER-HS-12V)

Product Literature

TypeTitleVersionFile SizeUpdatedLengthDescription

Quasonix Catalog2024.10.25Catalog of Quasonix’s full product line including transmitters, antennas, receivers, networking equipment, and test equipment. Also includes examples of possible product configurations.

Transmitter Heat Sinks Datasheet2024.10.08Quasonix offers different types of integrated and add-on heat sinks, as described in this datasheet. Please contact Quasonix for heat sink recommendations for your particular TIMTER™ transmitter.

Thermal Considerations

The heat sink required for a particular transmitter depends heavily on the installation. Factors such as altitude, air temperature, air flow, and mass of the mounting surface all have a substantial impact on the flow of heat away from the transmitter. Quasonix offers several types of integrated and add-on heat sinks. Please contact for the power dissipation required and heat sink recommendations for your particular TIMTER™ transmitter.

Regardless of the heat sink, Quasonix strongly suggests using a thermal pad, such as Q-Pad® II from Bergquist.